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Lieutenant Jason Kornovich

Plaquemines Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputy of the Year !

Lt. Jason Kornovich

Why are you nominating this officer? How long have you worked with or supervised this officer?
I am nominating Lt. Kornovich for his sustained performance particularly in 2023 where he utilized sophisticated digital forensics to solve violent crime, property crime, and cybercrimes. 

What positions has this officer held within your agency?
Undercover officer, Patrolmen, Patrol Supervisor (Sergeant and Lieutenant), Crime Scene Detective Lieutenant.

Under the specific qualifications cited in our qualifications, please provide example(s) of what has this officer done that merits their nomination? 
Lt.  Kornovich has become the department’s SME (subject matter expert) as it pertains to digital evidence.  He has utilized sophisticated and advanced technology to seek justice for victims of violent crime, property crimes, and cybercrimes. In these cases, he has solved there have been arrest, property recovered, and significant amounts of victims’ monetary losses have been returned.  

Is there a specific event which stands out that expresses how this officer has gone above and beyond the call of duty to assist?
In a violent crime case in which a victim from out of town was brutally stabbed with life threatening injuries by an out-of-town transient suspect with no real leads to identification, he used forensic analysis of batched cell phone data and cellular tower GIS to eventually identify the suspect who was from out of state.  Subsequent witness identification led to the arrest of two suspects responsible for the violent crime.  Without his persistence and expertise in the field of digital forensics the victim of this violent crime would not have received justice.   

How is this officer described by their peers?
Competent, highly skilled, and very dependable.

Has this officer received other awards or citations for outstanding service?
Yes, 2018 lifesaving award and 2018 Distinguished service for a violent crime investigation with apprehension and arrest.

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Crimestoppers Officer of the Year sponsored  by the Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust

P.O. Box 55249, Metairie, Louisiana 70055-5249
Phone: 504.837.8477
Fax: 504.832.2571
Email: info@crimestoppersgno.org
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